You need to see your greatness, not go back and heal your not-greatness

I know that’s a mouthful but how long have you been working at ‘fixing’ ‘healing’ ‘bettering’ yourself?
If you’re anything like me its been a decade or two. That is a loooong time! Did you learn some amazing things? Yes, absolutely!
Did you heal some big hurts, hang out with your inner-selves, shift and change some beliefs that were limiting you? probably!

There is a point though, where you need to start embracing your amazing-ness, to see it, work with it, embrace it, emanate it and BE it.

Because you my friend, are great. And if you read that and think that I am full of shit, we can work together to bring that greatness into your heart so you believe it too. You deserve to feel, know and see how amazingly great you are.

Not in a bypassing way or in an egoic or gross way

In the truth of you.

you’ve spent a lifetime trying to find ways to heal what is different so that you can fit,
instead of celebrating what is different, owning it and living it.
That is your biggest challenge of all right now, being the being that you were meant to be being in the first place.

Start by asking yourself:

‘What about me makes me fucking great?’

‘What are my gifts? talents? magic? medicine?’

Ignore the voice you hear that is telling you that you don’t have the things, that you don’t really know because of the thousand reasons you’ve been told you aren’t great, none of that matters right now.
If you need help with this, that is what I am here for!

♥︎ Clarissa.


You can be grateful AND…


What is your relationship with Spirit like?