
Clarissa is gifted in all forms of Intuition, she found it incredibly hard when she was young and it became her life’s work to understand everything about it so she could turn it into the amazing gift it is now.
It is her absolute joy, love & passion to help others tap into their intuition and sensitivities and embrace their gifts too

She has always been hyper focused and incredibly curious about everything in the mystical realms - spirit, intuition, magic, energy, divination, meditation, shamanism, arcane and ancient wisdom. She comes from a long line of traditional medicine women (Obeah) and has woven that together with her own trainings, education and experiences over the past 21 years, blending it all together into powerful and diverse offerings

As a first gen Canadian with Caribbean and European roots and a highly sensitive person with neurodiversity, she knows what it is like to be different and to walk in the world and see it in a unique way. She knows how powerful it is to be supported, accepted and affirmed in how you see the world and want to be in it

With a Sagittarius sun, Pieces moon, Capricorn rising and the ability to see beyond the veils and connect to the spirits and energies that are all around us,
she is here to help you connect to what is needed for you and be a bridge from that side to this

she blends together shadow and light work, your challenges and pain are welcome here along with your light and joy

Clarissa values curiosity and questioning (nothing is too weird, strange, wild or silly to ask about), authenticity and inclusivity (you get to safely be you and be comfortable as fuck doing so) and truth-telling (with compassion and support of course)


Want to know more about Clarissa?

Clarissa was born gifted with all 'clairs'—clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, claircognizance, along with mediumship, channelling and divination. Being as sensitive as she is, hasn’t always been easy, but lead her to explore diverse spiritual and ancient shamanic practices allowing her to experiment with and train her own intuition to help her walk in the world without all the overwhelm (hello boundaries!!). Now she is in absolute love with her sensitivities and intuitive abilities!

Her present offerings reflect expertise, a lifelong quest for spiritual connection, and insights from her spirit team and ancestors. From the subtleties of childhood whispers to the exploration of the unseen in her formative years, Clarissa delved into the mysteries and the witchy side of things, tarot cards, divination, intuition, psychic ability, reading runes, past and parallel lives, karma and curses, mediumship, and automatic writing, and so much more (there is very little she hasn’t seen and experienced!)

Initiating her healing journey in 2005 with various trainings in healing modalities, she established her healing practice in 2012, immersing herself in a comprehensive approach to energy healing, personal and spiritual growth while deepening into her intuition, meditation and shamanic practices .

In 2016, a 408-day meditation connected Clarissa with a celestial coven of 12 spirit guides, sparking a journey of authentic living filled with self-acceptance, love and compassion and made her ability to channel crystal clear!

In her current role Clarissa stands as an experienced and compassionate guide to help others find their own magic within, unveil their intuitive gifts, and learn to connect to their wisest selves. She knows that everyone is intuitive, everyone holds magic in their bones and learning to live with your heart and soul guiding you is the most profound gift anyone can give themselves.

When not talking to spirit, nature, animals or playing in other realms, she can be found hanging out with her weird dog Obie and doing pottery!

Blessed be.