Bespoke Intuition Training

20 years of intuition training
& experience distilled into
10 super powerful 1 on 1 sessions

Each session is uniquely crafted to you based on your needs, gifts, curiosities, challenges and experiences

You will KNOW your strongest forms of intuition & how to tap in with confidence and trust

You will be equipped with various tools that resonate with you & learn to use them in real life and in real time (including rituals, ceremony & guided meditations)

you get to have an expert guide that creates a safe space to explore, question and discover your special magic, medicine, and intuitive superpowers.

We will work with what is already showing up in your life so you can build practical experience and be confident to use what you’ve learned everyday

🌙 be your most powerful, authentic, aligned and unwavering self
🌙 make the best decisions for your life - with confidence and conviction
🌙 tap into your dreams, desires and soul aligned manifesting
🌙 center yourself and your needs without sacrificing those you love
🌙 uncover why you are here and what makes you special
🌙 heal fears, release people pleasing, old beliefs and unsupportive habits
🌙 anchor into your wisdom, highest self and integrity
🌙 Trust your self and your inner guidance - know how it comes through for you and how to deepen your ability to connect to it

Duration: 60 minutes per session
for 10 sessions
Availability: in-person and online
Investment: $157.50 pay-per-session or
$1475 if paid in full (save $100)


  • We intentionally start at the foundation of what your superpower is and where you are at in your journey!. Together we will figure out which ‘clair’ you want to start developing and how your intuition wants to be expressed - Are you a diviner? Mystic? Healer? Elemental? Animist? Steward of Plant medicine or Animals or Nature? A Channel? Spirit talker? Medium? Future Caster? Light worker? Energy worker? Obeah? Medicine Woman? Or a unique combination of a few of these things?

  • (GUS = God/Universe/Spirit) Where does your intuition come from? it is within you and it is also connected to your spirit self and universal connections with the deity’s that speak to your heart, if we aren’t in healthy relationship with spirit it’s harder to trust what is coming through us. You will meet and start building a meaningful relationship with your own intuition spirit guide

  • Often rooted in childhood experiences, Family of Origin (FOO) challenges, and the feeling of being an outsider and not belonging. Your sensitivities, curiosity, and ways of thinking about your life and the world differently are a gift, your intuition and connection to something bigger and more magical isn't weird and neither are you!

  • We aren’t taught that our inner knowing, wisdom and thoughts are valuable, important, true or right. We are societally and socially encouraged to disregard ourselves and seek the approval, permission and guidance of outside people, who often don’t know better than us! This session helps you to reclaim your empowered autonomy, provide the tools to go inwards first, heal colonial and patriarchal wounds, and help you know how valuable your wisdom is.

  • Our past lives and lived experiences have influenced the fears we hold about our powerful intuition. This session is also about reclaiming your souls vast wisdom, healing your ‘witch wounds’ and awakening your lifetimes of knowledge and reclaiming the wisdom that is already within you!

  • No matter your background, you have ancestry that is connected to natural medicine and mysticism and it has probably been many generations since you've had access to it. This session is Rooting into your bones and connecting with your ancestors wisdom to reclaim your birthrights of intuition, magic, medicine and mysticism.

  • The biggest fears that usually comes up with intuition development are “am I crazy?” And “how do I know that I’m not just imagining it?” This is a process to safely explore the roots of these fears  so that you can develop a sense of trust, safety and tools to navigate the shadow and overcome doubtful thoughts.

  • There are many ways we have to show up in the world that ask us to be less than our whole selves. We mask for many reasons (all of which had purpose and value) and in this session you will gently let go of the masks that no longer serve you (death) and find the sacred wise (and badass) self that you are now able to embody(rebirth) 

  • A combination of Discernment, boundaries and deepening into the magic of your wise heart and letting it lead your intuition in a powerful way that honours right action, right timing and centres compassion while healing the need to self sacrifice and being a people pleaser

  • Integrating what you've discovered and building your sacred practice with Ritual, Ceremony and all your favourite tools. This provides practical steps and support that will be meaningful and unique to you and your ancestry and spirit guides, intuitive super powers, magic, medicine and creative delights so you can continue to walk your path with empowered confidence


  • Clarissa knows all the things about intuition, no matter what your gifts are and where you want to take them, she designs a path of deepening into your intuition and discovering your gifts that is unique to you based on your personal experiences and goals. The outline of the sessions mostly remains the same (but there is always room to explore other options if something doesn’t resonate!) And each session will be crafted specifically for you, hence it being bespoke. This isn’t a one size fits all training, its a specialized for you experience, because no one else is you and to get to your gifts, talents and wisdom, means we work with and for you and only you.

  • It is up to you, Clarissa recommends either every 2 weeks for those who want a faster pace and once a month for those who prefer a bit of a slower pace to keep the process gently moving along and you get the most out of the training!

  • You are intuitive, its a gift that every single person has, not knowing exactly how it works for you doesn’t mean you don’t have it! Through this process you will learn exactly what yours is and how to use it in the way that makes sense for you and will build your confidence in yourself!

  • Great!! There is always room for deepening, as you learn new things and have more life experience, there can be new challenges that come your way, along with new gifts and pathways to discover.

    These are bespoke sessions designed to meet you exactly where you are at, if you find you are good with some of the session outlined here, Clarissa will co-create sessions with you and your spirit team to support you on your unique path!

  • Yes!! It will celebrate what you’ve already learned and help you integrate it into your own specialized way while connecting to your souls ancient wisdom and your ancestral healing gifts too. This program is designed to work with your gifts and unearth your sacred knowing, not teach you another method to do the work your soul already knows how to do.

  • It really depends on you! If this is the path you want to take the 10 sessions will be intentionally focused to make sure you are set up the best way possible to do this, whether you want to be a professional reader, medium, or intuitive guide or you want to integrate intuition into your healing practice as an energy practitioner, massage therapist, osteopath, chiro, psychologist or social worker (or anything else wonderful that I haven’t listed here!)

  • Your intuition is an incredibly valuable tool that is meant to be used in your whole day to day life.

    Intuition helps you figure out you and therefore, will improved every aspect of your life, because you are in every aspect of your life.

    if you are a parent you can use it to know your kiddos even more and know how to support them vs trying a bunch of things and seeing what sticks.

    Have animal companions? It can help you understand what their needs are from health to diet to emotional support.
Have a job? Know how to navigate your work place even better! Decide the right time to look for a new job or which new job feels the most aligned with you or figure out how to work with challenging people, get a promotion and align with what you truly want not what you ‘should’ be doing.

    Have a business? Know what techniques, marketing platforms, people to hire, pathways of growth to take based on you, not based on what has worked for other people that haven’t walked your path!

    Have a partner or family? Your intuition can give you needed insight to what is your responsibility and what isn’t, and how you can best support yourself and the people you love.

    Have a life? You sure do! Do you love it? You get to figure out what you want to bring more of into your life that is aligned with you and feels amazing, and what needs to go and the best ways of going about it.

  • If you want to be a clairvoyant (or a medium or animal communicator etc) but don’t know how to do it, it can be taught. You will anchor into the gifts you already have first AND learn how to develop the gifts you are called to develop as we go! If you are called to something it’s usually something you are meant to explore and develop

  • Yes! This will help you navigate life in a less overwhelmed way! It will take your intuitive superpowers as a sensitive person and bring them into balance so you can enjoy your life, have healthy boundaries and learn how to be confident in yourself and not get whisked away by what is going on for others!

    Intuition and highly sensitive goes hand in hand!!

  • You don’t need to my friend! This is where the magic of Intuition and Clarissa’s mediumship ability comes in handy! She will help you connect to the ancestors that can offer their wisdom and guidance whether you knew them in this life or not! (She never met her ancestral guide in life either!) So if you are adopted or there are family secrets, mysteries or a history (hello colonialism) that makes it hard for you to know, this will help you connect to your ancestry!!

  • It is witchy, it is spiritual it is not religious in the sense there is no doctrine, dogma, rules or punishment based anything. There is wisdom that is pulled from different deities and from different spiritual practices (like Shamanism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Norse, Celtic, Egyptian, Pagan, etc.) because Clarissa is well versed in all of these things to help you to connect with what you are personally connected to!
***This training is specific to you and will always be designed with your beliefs in mind and will never be used to change your mind or get you to follow anything that doesn’t resonate with you***

  • Welcome my friend! Clarissa is too! Together we will figure out what you need to make these sessions the best for your particular blend of neuro-spiciness! If seated and quiet meditation makes you want to rip your hair out, we will never do that! There are many pathways to the same goal and we will find the best one for you and your unique needs in a way that celebrates how your gorgeous mind works, not try to get you to change or conform to neuro-normative ways.

    (if you aren’t neurodiverse or don’t know if you are or not, the same is true! your needs is what this training is centred on!)

  • This work is designed to be fun (some will be challenging though!) the questions are meant to be pondered while you are doing other things, and you will need some time to do the practices we co-create together, but they are chosen with your needs and desires in mind - so it won’t feel like you have to do ‘work’ or another thing added to your to-do list. And are designed for you in a way that sets you up for success!

  • Yes!! Email support from Clarissa is always there between sessions, you get to choose if she checks in with you or you check in with her when you need or a combination of both! Plus she LOVES hearing all about the cool experiences you have with your intuition, and is completely here for you with so many tips, tricks and support for the challenges and struggles that can come up.