You don’t have to cleanse & protect your home as much as you’ve been led to believe!

I know its a really common practice to use smoke medicine, like Sage or Palo Santo, to clear the energy of your home. Usually it is with intention to remove any unwanted guests or visitors - spirits especially.

The spirits of your home are meant to be with you, because they are your spirits.

*if you are a medium and many spirits are showing up and they aren’t your ancestors or spirit guides, talk to your guides and set up appropriate boundaries so this stops being a problem - or hit me up and I will happily help!

We use smoke medicine to clear the energy of other people (living ones) from our home and to clear our own energy as well. When we are grumpy, having a bad day, have gotten into a fight with our loved ones, are having and processing big feelings, that energy can go into our environment and not everyone wants to sit in their energetic shit (or anyone else’s!). Using smoke medicine, a spray, light, energy, a candle etc, to clear that stagnant or sticky energy will improve the energy of your home or workspace.

If you are using these techniques to try to get rid of the spirits around you and they aren’t going anywhere - its because you can’t get rid of your ancestors that way. Or perhaps you’re going after the wrong energy!
The most important thing you can do, is be mindful of the living beings you are interacting with and inviting into your home, your space, your energy. They tend to be the ones that create the most challenges. You can definitely use clearing and cleansing techniques to ward off their energy too, but I have found good ol’ boundaries work the best.

(please read ‘What if spirit isn’t Scary’ to learn more)


A Spring Equinox Practice


What if spirit isn’t scary?