Full Moon Eclipse Ritual

March 24/24 is eclipse that is days after the equinox. this means that over the last week, light and shadow have been meeting in the middle, as equals and allies. For equinox it is the day and the night that share equal time, spring equinox signifies the time where night gives way to longer days.
Tonights eclipse is a lunar one, it happens when the moon passes into the earths shadow and only happens when the sun, moon and earth are aligned and the energy of all three work in harmony together.

Creation happens in the dark.
Expansion happens in the light.

you can do this ritual anytime, it is extra potent the day of the eclipse and the 3 days after it.

Full Moon Eclipse Ritual

  1. think about what you are ready to plant for spring.
    what do you want to experience over the next 6 months?
    what are you wanting to create in your life?
    what energy do you want to embody and embrace?

  2. write those things down on a piece of paper

  3. highlight 3-4 core words that are showing up, and write them down separately

  4. think about what you are ready to let go of, release or transform so you can embrace or embody what you desire to create.
    old thoughts, patterns, beliefs, wounds, relationships, ways of showing up in the world, things that you have done the healing work on, etc.

  5. write those things down on a piece of paper.

  6. When you are ready to release these things to the universe, spirit and your ancestors,
    First - ask your spirit guides, council, and ancestors and allies to support you in this experience, to hear you and to guide and support you over the next 6 months (which is next equinox - or the year if you’d prefer!)

  7. Set the intention that the letting go of happens when the paper is burned up or the words are said.
    And the smoke that carries your desires (or words spoken) (#2) will meet your ancestors and spirit and will help them to know how to help you.

  8. a) get a fire safe container and in a fire safe place outside, burn the papers from #2&5
    b) light a candle and either say out loud or in your mind, what you wrote down (2&5) and let the paper go however you’d like.

  9. Keep the words that you wrote down in #3 and anchor them with your prominent Clair-type
    Clairvoyant - either get images that align with the words or place the words somewhere where you will see them every day
    Clairaudient - make a mantra that you can repeat in your mind again and again
    Clairsentient - connect to how those words make you feel and spend time cultivating that feeling in your body everyday
    Claircognizent - spend time connecting with the words and notice when a download of information comes through, or you have a clear knowing of what to do next.


What if your brain was wired to seek nourishment?


A Spring Equinox Practice