Clarissa Khan

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11:11 tarot card reading

  1. Where in my life am I currently experiencing conflict? 3 of air - move through the world with an intention to learn. The conflict is knowing what to focus on and what to learn next, where is your heart leading you and where is your head? both have valid reasons, can you come to a collective agreement?

  2. What do I need to know about it that I don’t know? 7 of fire - development and use of one intuition. Heed your intuition to guide you through what is happening now. It is easy to forget to use your inner wisdom, this is a reminder to do so in this situation.

  3. What are my internal challenges with it? 5 of water - feelings of fear, doubt, and hopelessness that comes after a great loss. Allow yourself to work through your grief.

  4. What are the external challenges with it? XX desire - the time has come to ground your desires in the reality of here and now (external world vs internal dream) it is time for your dreams to enter into the physical world which will come with its own challenges, but you are ready to take those challenges on and you already know what they are.

  5. Where can I focus my energy to learn and grow from it? 7 of water (reversed) - be mindful of an unwillingness to be flexible. That which doesn’t bend will break. Follow the path of least resistance instead. focus your energy on the experience of flow and surrender. trust that the obvious next step will always reveal itself, and once it does, all you have to do is move towards it.

  6. What action steps can I take to support me in it? XXIV faith - with faith comes a level of self confidence that sees you capable of overcoming all that life throws at you. Faith in yourself and your abilities means you have a greater chance at success. If you have lost faith, return to it. if you have faith, now is the time to deepen into it and it will serve you well.

  7. How does this reflect the collective/community I am personally in? 3 of earth - a time of preparation, it may be a time of sacrifice in the weeks and months ahead, it appears as limitations or restrictions but will lead to a positive outcome. Look for realistic and grounded choices, plant your seeds, tend to them as they need, and pay attention to the seed that others are planting around you as well and see how you can plant in harmony with others so you don’t have to work so hard.

  8. What can I do to positively contribute to the collective/community I am in? 4 of air - importance of order, structure, and routines. Be mindful of where time is being wasted and where you can do actionable things with positive impact vs wasting time. Making sure to rest when needed and act when needed.

  9. How does this reflect the global community? 1 of fire (reversed) this card represents uncertainty. You either aren’t sure what you want or you aren’t sure how to get there. Start small and simple and let it grow from there. Fire starts with a spark. the uncertainty of the world will show up as uncertainly within yourself and vice versa. You don’t have to do anything to change this energy - just be aware of it as you move through life.

  10. What action steps can I do to positively impact the global community? XVII journey - the future is yours to create. You can take this time now to make choices that not only better your life, but better the lives of those around you. If you move forward together you become unstoppable. Don’t think of your own journey, but the journey that others are taking that are harder than yours. Are there hands reaching back to pull you forward? Are you reaching your hand back to bring forward those behind you too? Lastly, don’t fret over what has happened, but think about what you want to happen and start the first step towards the future you want to live in.

  11. the surprise card… (because there should be 11 cards for the 11:11 spread lol) ELEVEN OF AIR (I cannot make this shit up) body/mind
    This card symbolizes a need to keep a healthy understanding of the relationship between the mind and body, and the power each have over the other. it symbolizes being able to differentiate between fact and opinion and to make room for imagination within our realities, while still embracing reality in our imaginings.